The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Core Resources

Growing on the Frontline is an eight-session small group course that will help you grow more like Jesus in your daily life. Because when we nourish the roots of our faith, we’ll see the fruit of our faith – as God works through us to transform the places we’re in.

Growing on the Frontline

Grow more like Jesus where you are


Discover how God's working through you in your everyday life with this eight-session small group course, book, and accompanying church resources. Used by over 150,000 Christians, Fruitfulness on the Frontline will transform the way you see your life and mission.

Fruitfulness on the Frontline

Make a difference wherever you are


Frontline Sundays is everything you need to lead five Sunday services that will affirm, celebrate, and inspire your congregation for everyday mission, wherever they are.

Frontline Sundays

Inspire your church for Monday to Saturday life... and Sunday too


Vital Signs includes an assessment tool, a full-length book, next steps videos, and insight articles that’ll help you identify practical things you can do to embed whole-life discipleship more deeply in your church.

Vital Signs

Check how your church is doing at making whole-life disciples


A quick, one-sitting read, Mark Greene's powerful essay reveals how the sacred-secular divide is stifling the church and its mission. We often behave as though God only truly cares about what we do in church, not our ordinary, everyday tasks and hobbies. But that's a lie. Get inspired to start combatting it.

The Great Divide

The church's biggest challenge and what we can do about it


Through biblical stories and stories of Christians today, this three-part film series will help you recognise the fundamental value your work has in God’s plans for creation.

Does God Care About My Work?

Mark Greene on what the Bible has to say about your work


This powerful essay, available online or in print, makes the case that protecting the earth should be at the heart of our understanding of the gospel. Our planet is at breaking point. There’s no planet B, but there is hope for God’s world. Because Jesus died to save the planet.

Jesus Died to Save the Planet

Why the gospel is good news for all creation, not just humans


Beautifully-designed studies covering seven books of the Bible representing seven genres. Discover the whole-life implications of Proverbs (Wisdom), Exodus (Law), 1 Peter (Letters), Ezekiel (Prophecy), Ruth (Narrative), Mark (Gospel), and Revelation (Apocalyptic).

The Gateway Seven Series

Study series on seven books of the Bible, covering seven genres


Delivered straight to your inbox or via the YouVersion app, our prayer journeys will help you grow regular habits of prayer, invite God to work through you in your daily life, and ask for his wisdom to shape the way you speak and act in your everyday places and relationships.

Prayer Journeys

Daily prompts to inspire and encourage your prayers


Commissioned to explore key questions about whole-life disciplemaking, LICC research draws insights from both qualitative and quantitative data, gathered through rigorous fieldwork with churches of all kinds, up and down the UK.

Research reports

Discover what helps whole-life disciples grow and thrive


This four-part film series brings the everyday contexts of people in the Bible – some familiar, some less familiar – to life. Coupled with contemporary stories, these vivid retellings help Christians see that God cares about every aspect of their lives.


Real-life lessons from people in the Bible


In each two-minute film of the 6M People series, you’ll walk with an ordinary Christian through their daily routine and discover how they make a difference for Christ, living out the ‘6Ms of Fruitfulness’ in their ordinary tasks.

6M People

True stories of God at work through ordinary Christians


Three books unpacking how Elizabeth II set a powerful example of following Jesus in all of life, and how her faith shaped her work and reign.

The Queen’s Faith

How Elizabeth II’s faith in Jesus shaped her whole life


A group study that helps students make the transition out of uni with God, with session videos, participant’s workbook, and leader’s guide.

Routed: Journeying into Work with God

Give students a vision for life after uni


A group study that helps students see their degree, halls, socials, and more through God's eyes, with session videos, participant’s workbook, and leader’s guide.

Launched: Journeying through Uni with God

Give students a vision for discipleship at uni


A six-session small group course for anyone looking to grow as a disciple in retirement. The end of paid work isn't the end of our purpose: God invites us to join in his mission in every stage of life. Together with your group, explore what that looks like for you.

RePurpose: Discover Fresh Purpose in Retirement

Explore how God can work through you when paid work ends


Based on panel discussions hosted at LICC, these small group discussion guides will help you explore issues of race, justice, sexuality, identity, and more – engaging in a loving, wise way to help bring peace and truth where you are.

Wisdom Labs

Discuss some of our culture’s thorniest issues


Free discussion guides for small groups and book clubs. Read through some of the best books out there on how to live as a follower of Jesus in the detail of ordinary life, and grow as disciples together – learning how to engage well with the culture we're in.

Open Books

Host a book club that deepens your discipleship


Sixteen true stories of God working through ordinary Christians in everyday places – transforming their part of the world to look more like heaven. Read and share them online or purchase print copies to give away.

The One About

Inspiring stories about God in our everyday


This video course will help church preachers and teachers connect the Bible to people's ordinary tasks, relationships, and places, inspiring them to live out their faith right where God's put them.

Whole Life Preaching

The power of preaching for everyday life


Connect your Sunday services with Monday life – from their biblical foundations through to practical ideas – with this leader’s pack, book, and small group series.

Whole Life Worship

Shaping Sunday worship that transforms people's daily actions


Walk through the story of the whole Bible, and how it can shape your whole life, in 50 readings with teaching, in a book, email series, or YouVersion reading plan.

Whole Life Whole Bible

A journey through Scripture in 50 readings


Encourage each other to live out your faith in the workplace with this powerful group series, including discussion videos, a participant app, and a leader’s guide.

Transforming Work

Discover a richer way of working


Get insightful articles straight to your inbox every Friday. From major news to the latest blockbusters, our expert writers bring a Christian perspective to what's going on in the world right now, exploring how followers of Jesus can respond well to the culture we're in.

Connecting with Culture

Our weekly blog on news, trends, innovation, and the arts


Every Monday, receive a short Bible reflection that'll help you connect the Scripture to your daily life.

Word for the Week

Our weekly devotional connecting Scripture to daily life


Based on years of fieldwork with churches across the UK, these insightful, in-depth books will help you grow a theology and practice of whole-life disciplemaking in your church – shaping your gatherings so they equip people for their scattered lives.

Whole-Life Disciplemaking

Books on equipping disciples for their frontlines


Great resources in Spanish, Dutch, Latvian, Russian, and Indonesian.

LICC in Translation

Translations of our books, small group guides, and stories


Vulnerable, candid discussions about hot topics like online dating, vaping, swearing, and holidaying with your significant other before you’re married. Hosted by LICC’s Ennette Lainchbury, each topic is addressed in an informal, relatable, and biblical way.


Honest, unfiltered conversations about faith and culture


Paul Woolley and Grace Fielding are joined by well-known experts to discuss just about everything, from AI taking over the world to what makes good stand-up, from the existential dread of ecological crisis to the simple benefits of prayer. There’s literally everything to talk about and just under an hour to talk about it.

The Whole Life Podcast

Connecting the Christian story with all of life
