Research Reports
Discover what helps whole-life disciples grow and thrive.
LICC’s in-depth research gives leaders the insights they need to grow a church culture that equips Christians for fruitfulness in daily life.
It’s one thing to want to disciple people for their ordinary places and tasks. It’s another to make it a reality.
In the rough-and-tumble of church life, so many things compete for your energies. You can always spend more time on… everything. Should you focus on one-to-ones or outward-looking sermons? Small groups that discuss everyday life or clever visual aids in the building?
And how do you not just start well, but persist – establishing a culture of commitment to whole-life discipleship that lasts decades, not just a season?
There’s no one magic bullet – but the insights in our research reports will help you find answers to these questions in your own context.
Commissioned to explore key questions about whole-life disciplemaking, LICC research draws insights from both qualitative and quantitative data, gathered through rigorous fieldwork with churches of all kinds, up and down the UK.
Explore our reports below – and if you want to discuss the implications for your own church, get in touch at [email protected].
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