God’s interest in the whole of life
Prepare for the move from uni to work by recognising God's presence in and purposes for your day-to-day frontlines.
Routed: Journeying into Work with God
A group study that gives students a vision for life after uni, with session videos, participant’s workbook, and leader’s guide.
It’s a jungle out there. An awesome, beautiful jungle.
Most students leave university in a flurry of exam sweat, half-packed boxes, and last hurrahs. That is, without a lot of spiritual preparation.
Instead, we plunge into the working world believing a lot of myths: that God is mostly for church and quiet-time, that business means business, that we have ‘one true calling’, and that we should have it all together. By laying out biblical mindsets and practical steps for whole-life discipleship, Routed breaks those myths down.
It’s the ultimate prep for life post-uni.
Routed can be led by students or student workers and includes Bible study, discussion, activities, self-reflection, real-life stories, and prayers. These are delivered in a participant’s and a digital leader’s guide, accompanied by session videos. Its four sessions are designed as regular gatherings during a single university term. Each session takes about 90 minutes.
Routed’s four sessions cover:
God’s interest in the whole of life
Prepare for the move from uni to work by recognising God's presence in and purposes for your day-to-day frontlines.
Being faithful in our work
Connect your future job(s) with God's creative and restorative purposes in the world, whilst considering how your life is a 'work in progress'.
Choosing work wisely
Gain a self-aware, service-oriented understanding of 'calling', and begin to address practical questions around job applications.
Navigating change well
Explore the key life changes connected to leaving uni and starting work, and learn how to bring these changes to God.
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