The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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The Gateway Seven Series

Mark: Living The Way of Jesus in the World

Revelation: Faithfulness in Testing Times

Ezekiel: Living in the Light of God's Presence

Ruth: Drawing on a Deeper Love

Exodus: Freedom to Serve God

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

Proverbs: Wisdom for the Whole of Life

A study series on seven books of the Bible, covering seven genres, with a whole-life discipleship focus.

We don’t read a novel the same way we read a legal document.

We don’t read poetry in the same way we might read a letter from a friend. So, we don’t read the 66 books of the Bible as if they were all the same kind of writing. Story, song, law, letter, and more, all make up the rich repository of writing that together is God’s word to us. Each type plays a different role in shaping our minds, hearts, imaginations, and actions. Together, they deepen our reading of the whole Bible and open a gateway to new biblical application for our lives – seven days a week.

For The Gateway Seven series we’ve selected seven books of the Bible representing seven genres: Proverbs (Wisdom), Exodus (Law), 1 Peter (Letters), Ezekiel (Prophecy), Ruth (Narrative), Mark (Gospel), and Revelation (Apocalyptic). The series, beginning with Proverbs, will offer study guides for each of the books with a whole-life discipleship perspective. The mini-features sprinkled through the studies, along with the questions and thoughts for discussion, help you understand each book within its background and genre as well as the content of the book itself. Each study has been crafted with the same desire: to offer a gateway to a deeper love of God’s word and richer insights into its implications for all of life, Monday through Sunday.

Share with the church, keep your own.

Perfect for on-your-own study, small groups, or to integrate with a preaching series, these beautiful, keep-able books are designed so everyone can have their own copy to make notes in, reflect further, and go deeper in study.

Check out all seven titles below.

Mark: Living the Way of Jesus in the World

Written by Tracy Cotterell

The Gospel of Mark invites you to immerse yourself in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and to consider his life-changing announcement that the kingdom of God has come. Hope-filled and fear-beating: this is the way of King Jesus you’re invited to live, Monday through Sunday. This six-session guide will help you dig deeper into the radical implications of his joyful news for all of life today.

Revelation: Faithfulness in Testing Times

Written by Ian Paul

The book of Revelation has often been treated as a futuristic prophecy − a road map of a bizarre future to be inflicted on the world by an angry God. Ian Paul invites you to explore how the book’s author draws on a style of writing familiar to Jesus and his first followers and encourages God’s people to stay faithful despite the world’s pressures to compromise. This fascinating six-session guide will help you to approach this book with fresh eyes. You’ll gain a richer understanding of God’s world and a fresh confidence to reimagine your place in it.

Ezekiel: Living in the Light of God's Presence

Written by Antony Billington

Where is God when the world falls apart, when he doesn’t seem to care? Ezekiel brought God’s word to his people at the lowest point in their history, suffering the trauma of exile. But with exile comes the opportunity to renew their faith and hope in God himself. Although God had judged his people, he would also restore them and dwell with them forever – promises which find their ultimate fulfilment in Christ. Antony Billington’s six-session guide will help you explore how Ezekiel’s message of challenge and comfort speaks today, enabling you to live in the light of God’s presence, Monday through Sunday – whatever you're facing.

Ruth: Drawing on a Deeper Love

Written by Mark Greene

How shall we live? How shall we love? For Christians, it’s the same question. Ruth is the story of ordinary people working out how to live in God’s loving ways through agonising personal circumstances. It’s also an account of how the God of love works through faithful people to fulfil his purposes for them, for their nation, and indeed for all humankind. In this six-session guide, Mark Greene’s astute questions, mini-features, and contemporary stories will help you to appreciate the book’s drama, wonder afresh at the Lord’s grace, and find inspiration and encouragement for all of life, Monday to Sunday.

Exodus: Freedom to Serve God

Written by Antony Billington

Freedom is found in knowing who God is and what he has saved us for. Exodus shows how God delivers his people and makes it possible for him to dwell among them, to make him known among the nations. What does it mean to be liberated from slavery to serve God in our everyday contexts today? This six-session guide will help you explore how Exodus shapes our understanding of God, how he saves us, and the part we play in his purposes for the world. You’ll gain fresh insight into its inspiring implications for all of life, Monday to Sunday.

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

Written by Joe Warton

Confidence in the world is grounded in the gospel and our identity in Christ. The apostle Peter ignites imagination and inspires hope for the possibilities of everyday life in a complex world. This six-session study discovers Peter’s trove of wisdom for everyday living. This is a letter that is both exhilarating in its scope and intensely grounded in the grittiness of real life. Like those who first received Peter’s letter, you will be challenged to see your daily context afresh and deeply encouraged to live confidently – Monday to Sunday – wherever you are.

Proverbs: Wisdom for the Whole of Life

Written by Antony Billington

In biblical wisdom, know-how is rooted in know-God. Proverbs teaches us that this godly know-how is useful for all of life: for daily decisions and long-term plans, for work and trade, as well as for relationships in family and community. This six-session guide will encourage your growth in a wisdom that is rooted in relationship with God, shaped by his ordering of the world, and that finds its ultimate expression in Christ.


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