The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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The One About

The One About Vol.1

The One About Vol.2

Your Story Through God's Eyes

Finding Frontline Stories

Submit Your One About

The One About Vol. 2 Stories Graphics Pack

Your One About Graphics Pack

There is no such thing as an ordinary day for a Christian. With Christ, every day, every task, every situation, every relationship brims with divine possibility. God is always at work.

But can we see it?

These stories help us open our eyes to see how God has been working in our lives, help us to read our experience through biblical lenses, and encourage us to tell other people about the wondrous things God has done in and through us. Read the stories by yourself, discuss them in a group, or use the guidelines to write your own.

The One About Vol.1

Warm and astute, these portraits of varied people in various settings – student, hairdresser, policeman, mum, retiree, trainer, banker – are made all the more compelling by the connections Mark makes with the Bible, illuminating the stories and bringing fresh insight into the implications of the biblical texts.

Read the stories by yourself, discuss them in a group, or use the guidelines to write your own.

The one about Victoria's Secret

Victoria is an apprentice hairdresser. She’s 19 and she’s been in the job just over a month. It’s a busy salon so there’s always something to do and it’s almost always got to be done quickly.

The one about the Travelling Trenemans

Gary and Amahle Treneman do quite a lot of their travelling by bus. They’ve got to the age where it’s free and anyway they don’t own a car. Besides, it’s always a bit of an adventure...

The one about Alan’s half hour

Alan can’t for the life of him see why God still has him in this organisation. It’s a chill place – this big bank – and he’s been thinking about leaving for a while.

The one about the great negotiator

Tomorrow is a big day. It’s the day that Ruth goes in to negotiate her remuneration rates with one of her major clients. It’s important that it goes well...

The one about Little John

Little John is not. Like his namesake he is big – big for his age, big for any age – the kind of man who looks too big in a suit that’s the right size for him.

The one about the girl with the schedule in her eyes

Rachel is one of those people who likes to be organised. Happily for her, she’s also one of those people who’s rather good at it.

The one about the man in the tool room

Hugh makes his way across the factory floor, across to the tool room where they make the moulds. There are twelve work benches there, each 10ft by 4ft with a vice on each side.

The One About Vol.1 Graphics Pack

Download the illustrations for each story as slides or images for you to use – at church, in your small group, or anywhere!



The One About Vol.2

In another inspiring collection of true stories, Mark Greene offers us a window into the rich, varied, and sometimes surprising ways God works in our everyday lives.

Discover God at work through all sorts of people in their ordinary contexts – student, Facebooker, beader, project manager, teacher, retiree. Read the stories by yourself, discuss them in a group, or use the guidelines to write your own.

You can read all the stories by clicking the links below, or visit our shop to buy the book.

The one about the venerable beader

‘I’m just a bog-standard, middle-aged, middle-class woman.’ So Jenny thinks. But God sees her - and her beading hobby - rather differently. Cue a calling to the local prison…

The one about the boy unmentioned

Adrian is a supply teacher. He prays silently for his pupils – including one who’s never been prayed for in his entire life…

The one about the secret song

Laura’s a closet songwriter – until one day, God prompts her to share her work with her friends as a comfort in lockdown. And people respond…

The one about the night knight

When Tim goes to uni, he knows he wants to live distinctively, to love his housemates like Christ does. Through him, God changes the culture of that house – and the lives of his friends…

The one about the father who came back

After his ‘heart event’, Geoffrey dies – and comes back. Could God still work through a man now bedbound and totally dependent on his family…?

The one about the outsiders who went in

Penny and Linda’s church want to bless the people of Farthington, a deprived area in their town. Then God calls them to the local junior school – and amazing things begin to happen….

The one about the leaving present

Jasmit is a brilliant colleague. When she begins to struggle with her mental health, William offers HR support – and prays. And God answers those prayers in the most stunning way…

The one about the safe cracker

Jane works in a big hotel. She’s acquired a reputation for fixing things – surprisingly, often with prayer….

Get the paperback

Get The One About Vol. 2 as a beautiful printed book – perfect to read at home or share with a friend.

Buy it now

Your Story Through God’s Eyes

Learn how to spot your own stories of God at work in your everyday, with Mark as your guide.

Finding Frontline Stories

Especially for leaders – how can we help others recognise God’s work in their lives and create a context in which those stories are valued? Mark offers some tips from his own experience and the experience of other leaders.

The One About – Ideas for Churches

Individuals, small groups, and churches used The One About Vol.1 in a variety of ways to encourage people to recognise how God may already be working in their lives. Maybe one of these will spark an idea for you and your church…

Submit Your One About Story

Why not take some time to tell us your own story of God at work in your everyday? We’d love to hear it – and, with your permission, write it up into an article for our blog so others can read it too!

  • Can we edit your story and share it anonymously on our blog? (We’ll show it to you first!)

The One About Vol.2 Stories Graphics Pack

Download the illustrations for each story as slides or images for you to use – at church, in your small group, or anywhere!

Your One About Graphics Pack

Specially for leaders - download a postcard and a slide or image to help your church or group ask for stories.


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