The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Growing on the Frontline

Complete course pack

Session guide


An eight-session course that'll help you grow more like Jesus where you are.

‘I just wish I could be more like Jesus.’

We want to make a difference in our everyday life. But so often our choices affect our fruitfulness. We fail to do the right thing or the kind thing. Our unchecked desires get in the way, and what comes out is anything but Christlike. How do we grow past that?

The good news is that our everyday contexts aren’t just places to do things for Jesus but places to become more like him. Growing on the Frontline is a small group course that will help you do just that.

Through a combination of video teaching, Bible study, and regular spiritual practices, you’ll explore what’s driving the choices you make when challenges and opportunities arise – and learn to respond with Christlike maturity as you grow more like him.

Because when we nourish the roots of our faith, we’ll see the fruit of our faith – as God works through us to transform the places we’re in and love the people we’re with.

This course is the sequel to the hugely popular Fruitfulness on the Frontline – together they make a great two-term series for churches.

Grow together with your small group

Guided by videos featuring hosts Tim Yearsley and Ennette Lainchbury, walk through eight sessions full of biblical insight, real-life stories, and practical steps:


Growing wherever we are

Explore how God can help us grow more like Jesus in the everyday places and situations in which we find ourselves.


Our choices affect our fruitfulness

Our choices lead to consequences, whether we realise it or not. We look at how the choices we make affect the fruit we bear.


Our desires influence our choice

Explore what often lies beneath the choices we make – the desires of our hearts.


Our emotions reveal our desires

Dig deeper into how we can identify some of our more powerful desires by noticing our emotions.


Maturing in every season

Explore some of the different seasons of life, and how we can work with God to grow in maturity through them.


Going deeper with God in tough times

Dig deeper into the most challenging season, winter, and consider God’s invitation to push our roots more deeply into him in this season.


Turning inner growth into fruitful action

Put together all we’ve learnt, so we can grow in the freedom to respond as Jesus would to the situations we’re in.


Sustaining growth on the frontline

Explore how we can embed what we’ve been learning throughout this course, looking at three ways we can grow and be fruitful over the long haul.

Complete course pack

Everything you need to run Growing on the Frontline, including discussion guides and session videos.

Discussion guide

Buy extra copies of the discussion guide.

Note: you will also need the session videos, available digitallyor on DVD.


Get the session videos in DVD format.

Note: you will also need the discussion guide, available in print.

Try out Session 1 for free

Get a flavour of what Growing on the Frontline is like by reading the discussion guide and watching the three-part video for Session 1. You can also read the introduction to the resource.



Supporting resources

40-day prayer journey

Perfect for after the course, get 40 daily prompts to help you grow more like Jesus where you are, becoming more fruitful with God’s help.

Church publicity pack

Slides, posters, and images to help you publicise Growing on the Frontline in your church.

Introductory sermon video

Watch LICC’s Ken Benjamin deliver a sermon introducing Growing on the Frontline's themes and exploring Jeremiah 17’s call to grow in fruitful maturity.

Sample sermon notes

Download a PDF of notes based on the sermon above, to help you prepare a talk for your church service to kick off the course, exploring Jeremiah 17.

Word for the Week devotional series

A four-part series by course originator Charles Hippsley on what the Bible has to say about growing in spiritual maturity.


Would you like to support LICC’s growing ministry by making a monthly or one-off gift? Friends of LICC make donations of £10 a month or more (but do join us with regular gifts at any level). Over 250,000 Christians and more than 4,500 churches have used LICC’s practical resources. Your donation will help us reach so many more.

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Other Resources (3)

Fruitfulness on the Frontline

Make a difference wherever you are

The Gateway Seven Series

Study series on seven books of the Bible, covering seven genres, with a whole-life discipleship focus

Whole Life Whole Bible

A journey through the Bible in 50 readings