The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Prayer Journeys

Down to Earth

On Purpose

The Whole Christmas Story

Confidence Devotional

Growing on the Frontline

40 Faces, 40 Places

A Simple Rule

Working from Rest

Navigating Transition

Routed in Prayer

Fruitfulness on the Frontline

Growing in Resilience

Invest in Love

Wisdom for Life

Trusting God

Whole Life Worship

Fit for Life

Pray for Life

Our prayer journeys are designed to spark your imagination and encourage you to pray.

Life isn’t always easy. At times we all face tough choices, pressure in relationships, and demands on our time.

Taking time to wait for anything, even on God, feels like a luxury – and it can be hard to pause and pray. So we need fresh ways of praying in and for our everyday situations.

Our prayer journeys give you a quick and easy way to begin. We’ll send you daily prompts to spark your imagination, encouraging you to pray – however briefly – with renewed energy, creativity, and faith that God’s purposes will be worked out in your life.

The journeys also offer encouragement and solidarity, as you’ll be part of a virtual community of thousands of other Christians around the world, receiving the same prayer prompts as they face their own set of challenges and opportunities.

You can join one of our journeys through the YouVersion Bible app, or sign up for email prompts below. We pray that you’ll experience a renewed awareness of God’s presence and activity in your everyday life.

Sign up to a prayer journey.

Down to Earth

Reflect on our ‘down to earth’ Saviour – the Jesus who stepped into the mess and detail of life on Earth, and calls us to do the same.

On Purpose – Lent Devotional Journey

This Lent devotional journey invites you to think differently about everything you do. Over 40 days, you’ll get to grips with the Bible’s view of purpose, and read true stories of how that purpose is worked out in all kinds of Christians’ lives today.

The Whole Christmas Story

Explore the significance of Jesus' birth in the context of the whole Bible. Starting in Genesis and working to Revelation, you'll see how Christ came to a world worth saving; how human sin affects every part of life; how God promised to redeem all of his creation; and how in Jesus, he made good on that promise.

Confidence Devotional Journey

Grow in confidence with this devotional journey, designed to help you grow deep faith-confidence that lasts from Sunday into the rest of your week, so you can boldly join in God’s work right where you are.

Growing on the Frontline

Grow more like Jesus where you are. Reflect on what's happening in and around you, receive God's wisdom, invite him to renew you, and respond more fruitfully day by day. The perfect follow-up to the group course of the same name!

40 Faces, 40 Places

This journey answers the question ‘what is God doing out there through people like me?’ Over 40 days, you’ll discover diverse, real-life stories of Christlike impact in every walk of life, from an online support group to the High Court Bench.

A Simple Rule

Develop a rhythm of prayer that integrates your faith into your daily life, following Paul’s simple advice to the Thessalonians: rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Learn to see your life through God’s eyes, develop fresh habits of prayerfulness, and grow more like Christ, shaped by time spent with him.

Working from Rest

Sabbath rest is essential to our identity as God’s people: a gift to refresh us and equip us for good work. This prayer journey will help you explore the reasons for restlessness, God’s gift of rest, and how your work – in your job, your home, or your street – can flow from that place of rest and connection with him.

Navigating Transition

From a new marriage to a job loss, transition can feel like a rough sea, full of ups and downs. Whether you’re excited or fearful, prayer is vital to help you navigate change. This prayer journey will help you navigate times of transition with God – and grow your trust in him.

Routed in Prayer

The first two weeks in a new job are a whirlwind. But they’re also an opportunity to discover how your work, workplace, and fellow workers matter to God in ways you hadn’t imagined.

Fruitfulness on the Frontline

This prayer journey will help you see your frontline through God’s eyes. It’s about recognising the many ways He is working through us every day. And it’s about building habits of fruitfulness – wherever we are. Journey with us, renew your vision, and pray fresh prayers for your frontline.

Growing in Resilience

Whether confronted with difficult life events or extended periods of pressure, resilience helps us to emerge stronger, wiser, and with a deeper faith. This prayer journey helps us develop practices to grow that resilience.

Invest in Love

This prayer journey focuses on investing time in receiving God’s love, being changed by that love, and responding to that love.

Wisdom for Life

We all need godly wisdom for work and life but how do we get it? This prayer journey guides us to grow in the wisdom that transforms our work, relationships, and lives.

Trusting God

Trust is the basis of our relationship with God yet learning to fully rely on him can be difficult. This prayer journey guides us in how to grow our trust, even when faced with difficulties and loss.

Whole Life Worship

We long to follow Christ in every area of our lives, and this journey reflects on how Christ can be glorified in our gathered worship together and our scattered, daily worship, wherever we are Monday to Saturday.

Fit for Life

We wouldn’t expect to get physically fit without putting in some work and the same goes for getting spiritually fit – so this journey encourages us in our own spiritual growth and vitality.

Pray for Life

It can be hard to know where to begin when praying for people to know God for themselves, so this journey guides us in how to pray for our friends and colleagues to become spiritually alive.


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Other Resources (2)

Whole Life Whole Bible

A journey through the Bible in 50 readings

The Gateway Seven Series

Study series on seven books of the Bible, covering seven genres, with a whole-life discipleship focus