The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Whole Life Worship Prayer Journey

We know that worship is more than music: it’s a response to the love and grace of a faithful God and all that he has done for us.

We long to follow Christ in every area of our lives, offering our whole lives as worship to God.

So how might this kind of worship become a reality in our Monday to Sunday lives? In our everyday places – offices and colleges, shops and banks, hospital wards and athletic clubs, cafes, nursing homes, and churches – the places where we ‘do life’, week by week?

Join us on this 40-day journey and you will receive short daily prompts to pray and reflect on how worship can infuse and transform every area of your life.

Sign up for the Whole Life Worship Prayer Journey emails below, or alternatively follow the journey on the YouVersion app.

You can also share your experience with others on our prayer wall, perhaps in answers to prayer or stories of how you’ve found praying in this way.

Join the journey.

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