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Wisdom Lab: Following Jesus in a Sexular Age

Outdated and repressive? Life-giving and fulfilling?

How should we understand and live out biblical teaching about sexuality and marriage today?

As religion’s influence in Western society wanes, fewer and fewer people are drawing meaning from God’s word and authority. So, what’s stepped into this ideological vacuum? Where can we turn for meaning and purpose?

Often, the answer is sex. The unfettered pursuit of sexual ‘freedom’ is increasingly seen as a social good. Our culture and day-to-day contexts are no longer just post-Christian and secular, but sexular. If you’re having the kind of sex you want to have and fighting for others’ right to do the same, you must be a fulfilled and enlightened person – or so the accepted narrative goes.

In that narrative, traditional interpretations of sexuality and marriage have gone from good to bad to dangerous, and many people – in the church as much as anywhere – have questions. However, constructive conversation around this divisive issue is often found lacking.

As disciples, we need wisdom for the way forward. In the midst of such contentious discussions, we need to have a better conversation – one where the outcome isn’t just a solution to a problem, but an attractive and faithful vision for what sexuality could be when lived out in the light of God’s purposes. So, we’ve gathered a diverse group of Christians to contribute towards this Wisdom Lab to have that conversation.

Recorded on Zoom on 31 March 2022


  1. Christine Woolgar on Listen – 11:27
  2. Revd Ed Shaw on Imagine – 21:23
  3. Revd Steve Elmes on Create – 32:13
  4. Dr Dave Benson on Communicate – 44:23


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Discussion guide | Following Jesus in a Sexular Age

Download the discussion guide from the night itself, for watching this session with your small group or church and facilitating your own conversation.

Helpful articles

Wisdom Lab Articles

As part of their contribution to this Wisdom Lab, each speaker wrote a blog article exploring their topic further:

  • Part one: Christine Woolgar listens to what’s going on and why
  • Part two: Revd Ed Shaw imagines this sexular age within the mission of God
  • Part three: Revd Steve Elmes explores how to create change through healing conversations
  • Part four: Dr Dave Benson looks at how to communicate the gospel in a personalised way to our LGBTQ+ neighbours
  • Part five: Dr Dave Benson looks at the importance of prayerful preparation in communicating gospel to our LGBTQ+ neighbours
Word for the Week

A four-part devotional series by Dr Andrew Goddard reflecting on what Scripture says about what it means to be sexual beings, looking at the living word and what it looks like to live it in our everyday lives.

Connecting with Culture

Blog articles which engage with issues in our culture, considering how we might respond in our everyday lives in a Christlike way:



Be Wise: Theology for Everyday Life

Join us for an in-depth, 12-session online course, designed to help you grow in wisdom – equipping you to live in a way that’s distinctly and intentionally Christian on a 24/7 basis, becoming a ‘peacemaker’ in your daily context.