Five Simple Things to do at Work this Week
1. BE NOSY We get so used to relating to people at work on a purely professional level and we forget that our colleagues and clients have whole lives outside of...
Across the UK, Christian young adults are striving to live out their faith at work. They’re an enriching and positive presence. They’re conscientious. And t...
Upon retirement, many of us face major questions about identity and purpose. It’s exciting – a season of opportunity, possibility, and exploration. But i...
So here it is, merry festival season. Everybody’s having fun. The church notices are full of upcoming trips to Keswick, New Wine, Focus, Forum, Spring Harv...
Darby Vincent is LICC’s Digital Lead. Her weeks are typically filled with webpages, emails, iced vanilla lattes, indie video games, and crochet projects ...
How can we create and sustain a kingdom culture in our organisations? Former executive and workplace ministry pioneer Dr Al Erisman looks at one company’s...
Our Emerging Leaders team tackles one of young workplace leaders’ most requested topics: how to have difficult management conversations. Recorded on Zoom on 1...
Sustainability consusltant Duncan Gray and charity leader Rosanne Gray examine how Christians in the workplace can respond constructively to the climate crisis....
Last week, forty-five days into the most recent lockdown, a neighbour thanked me for saying ‘hello’ to them. I was pretty taken aback. I’ve got plenty of ...
There are lots of examples in the New Testament of God’s people engaging with people who don’t yet know Jesus. But what can we learn from them for our own w...
Read any good management book and you will find a list of the responsibilities of leadership. Among them will be setting strategic direction, ensuring effective...