Doing Business with God
‘The more I prayed about it, the more I felt that God was calling me to stay in the world of business.’ Chris Gillies, a businessman who still hasn’t got ...
Business leader Joëlle Warren on why The Great Divide’s message of whole-life mission is more important than ever. ‘The words “ministry” and “calling...
‘In my last job, I spent a lot of time interviewing people in senior roles. These folk had everything in worldly terms. And yet the second we touched on the i...
There are many things I’ve done in my life that I said I would never do. Topping my list of ‘most embarrassing U-turns’ is performing in amateur musical t...
‘Hire for character, train for skills.’ That line – and its variations – has become something of a mantra in many workplace contexts. Of course, on its ...
‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ So says Uncle Ben to his nephew, Peter Parker, at least as the line appears in the 2002 movie version of the ...
There are lots of examples in the New Testament of God’s people engaging with people who don’t yet know Jesus. But what can we learn from them for our own w...
In a working world that seems driven by KPIs, how can your approach to performance management help others to flourish? What can you offer that reflects God’s ...
Read any good management book and you will find a list of the responsibilities of leadership. Among them will be setting strategic direction, ensuring effective...
‘Ben hurries his thinking, his speech, and his movements. He also strives to hurry the thinking, speech, and movements of those around him; they must communic...
Loving our colleagues isn’t always easy, even in a good working environment. But what does Christian love look like when that workplace has turned toxic? ...