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‘Early Andrew’ or ‘Late Paul’ | Mark Greene

There are lots of examples in the New Testament of God’s people engaging with people who don’t yet know Jesus. But what can we learn from them for our own workplace relationships?

In this short video, Mark Greene explores two such examples – ‘Early Andrew’ and ‘Late Paul’ – and the lessons we can learn from them. After watching it, why not think through one or more of the questions below?

  • Are you more naturally an ‘Early Andrew’ or a ‘Late Paul’? What can you learn from these two disciples?
  • What opportunities have crisis moments at work given you to live out and share your faith with your colleagues?
  • How alert do you think you are to any wisdom God might have for your workplace? How might you grow in alertness to God’s wisdom?
  • What practical initiatives have you already taken for the emotional, physical, and spiritual welfare of the people you work with? Are there other initiatives you could take?
  • ‘The living God will do his work, right where we are.’ What practical steps can you take to remember and be encouraged by this truth each day?