The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Faith at Work | Invite a Speaker

Most people’s jobs involve a certain amount of skill and expertise, so it’s not unusual for them to receive training and ongoing work-skills development throughout their careers.

But how much time do we give to developing and equipping people to be effective followers of Jesus in their workplaces?

Seminars that tackle the specific challenges and opportunities of living out faith in the workplace can help people to become more aware of God in their work, more confident that their faith is an asset not an obstacle, and more engaged in helping their colleagues to flourish.

Using the skills and experience of our own LICC staff, as well as our diverse team of Associate Speakers, we’ve been running faith-at-work seminars with a range of audiences for many years – whether that’s at large conferences like New Wine and Spring Harvest, or with small groups of working Christians in local churches and workplace groups.

All our speakers bring a wealth of personal and practical experience from their work in a wide range of sectors, as well as thoughtful theological reflections on both the problems and possibilities that can arise for Christians in the workplace. We’re always happy to speak on any work-and-faith-related issues to fit the needs of your group, but below are a few topics that have proved to be popular over the years to get you thinking about what you and the working Christians around you might find most helpful.

How does my work fit into God’s big mission?

How can we expand our understanding of being in ‘full-time Christian ministry’ and see our jobs as part of God’s wider plan for the world? What does the Bible have to say about our workplaces? And what does being a Christian at work actually look like?

How do I build good relationships with my colleagues?

Christian faith is all about relationships… and actually they’re important at work too – so how can I bring these two things together? And what about sharing my faith at work without being pushy or inappropriate?

How can I be a godly influence on my workplace culture?

What determines the way things are done at work? How does my workplace measure up against biblical standards, and is there anything I can do to bring godly values to work?

How do I grow in godly character at work?

Why is character so important in the workplace? And how can God shape me in and through my working life?

So if you’re interested in strengthening and inspiring the working Christians in your church or small group, just get in touch – our speakers would love to help encourage and equip them to make a difference in their workplace.

Book a Speaker

It would be great to connect and see if we can serve you in any way. By clicking below you’ll be directed to our contact page where you can book a speaker.