Meeting together with other Christians in your workplace can be an amazing source of encouragement and a great motivator when it comes to living out faith in your daily work. But when you’re pushed for time, how can you make the most of these opportunities?
Well, here are 4 easy ideas that won’t take up more than half an hour each time, but are guaranteed to open up valuable and energising discussions to help you tackle the challenges and make the most of the possibilities that come with being a Christian at work.
1. Fruitfulness on the Frontline
Used by workplace groups all over the world, this resource is packed with real-life stories, fresh biblical insight and practical steps to help us better recognise how we can be fruitful followers of Jesus in everyday life. There are eight sessions, but with your time constraints we’d suggest splitting them in half – one week you could try the opening discussion, watch the short video and tackle the deeper discussion questions, then the next time you meet use the Bible reflection and prayers based on the topic. Fruitfulness is full of ideas that are applicable to work but also serves to encourage people about other areas of their lives, casting a wide vision for how and where God wants to be at work in and through them.
2. Transforming Work
If you want to spend some time focussing on your workplace specifically, our discipleship journey Transforming Work is a good choice. It combines teaching videos, skills development, prayer, Bible study, and group conversation to tackle vital issues like how to influence workplace culture, build strong relationships with colleagues, and handle ethical issues in your role. Also offering eight sessions, Transforming Work is split up in a variety of ways by the many workplace groups that use it. Some divide up the sessions and work through them a section at a time, while others just use the core content videos to start a group discussion on the given topic. However you use it, there’s a wealth of material to help you grow as confident, fruitful disciples in your daily work.
3. Prayer Journeys
It’s unlikely that your workplace group will have the time to pray together every day – but you could still pray alongside one another. You can sign up to one of our 40-day prayer journeys as a group and you’ll all receive the same daily one-line email prompts to spark your imagination, encouraging you to pray with renewed energy, creativity, and faith that God’s purposes will be worked out in your workplace. Not only will you know that you’re all praying about the same things at the same time, but whenever you do meet as a group you can share what God has been doing as you’ve prayed.
4. Faith at Work: Invite a Speaker
Whether you want something different to fill a regular workplace-meeting slot, or you’re planning a more open event for those with and without faith, why not invite one of our speakers along to lead a seminar or guide the discussions? All our speakers bring a wealth of personal and practical experience from their work in a wide range of sectors, as well as thoughtful theological reflections on both the problems and possibilities that can arise for Christians in the workplace.
You can also find great ideas and support through TransformWorkUK, as well as opportunities to network with and learn from other workplace groups.