The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Celebrating the coronation with your church family

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 TIMOTHY 2:1–2


Saturday 6 May 2023. Cheering crowds will wave flags and line the streets to Westminster Abbey, and cameras inside will stream the ceremony to millions across the world. Across the country, church bells will ring out and communities will gather together to celebrate the Coronation of Charles III. 

There’s no doubt how seriously Charles takes his responsibility as king, just like his mother before him, and how committed he will be to fulfilling his duties.  

Paul’s instruction to Timothy is a helpful reminder to church leaders of our responsibility, as the church, to pray for him – and for all those in authority. We all need them to lead and govern well, and they need the church to pray for them, whether they realise it or not. 

If you’re planning a service over the coronation weekend, why not take the opportunity to dwell on the theme of kingship by choosing songs and hymns that focus on God’s kingly rule. For example, Behold our God, Come People of the Risen King, and Rejoice the Lord is King.  

Mark Greene, LICC’s Mission Champion, and author of The Servant Queen and A Life a Grace, has written a beautiful prayer to be used in church services over the Coronation Weekend. You can find it at the bottom of this page. 

As well as praying corporately, encourage your church family to keep King Charles and the royal family in their prayers. Because, as we pray for our king, we’re also reminded that we all including kings and presidents are ultimately under the loving rule of King Jesus.  

He’s our king – when we’re at work, sitting in the hairdressers, or spending time with our friends and family – and in his name and by his power we can display his rule through our attitudes and actions. Doing our work well, speaking up for truth and justice, showing love and grace – we should never underestimate the impact these can have on the people and places that form our everyday lives.

Julian Gadsby
Church Engagement Specialist, LICC



A Coronation Prayer for King Charles III  

Almighty God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, we pray for King Charles at his Coronation.  

Thank you for a monarch who publicly describes his faith as deeply-rooted. We ask that his roots in you will grow ever deeper and be the source of much fruitfulness to your glory.  

Thank you for his decades of service on behalf of young people, for his eager championing of housing that nourishes family and community, and for his practical work and passionate advocacy for the protection of your creation, nationally and globally.  

Lord, in this new phase of service, may Charles know you and the depth of your love ever more richly. May he look to you for wisdom to know when to speak and when to stay silent, for courage to choose what is right even if it is unpopular, and for your strength and peace in times of pressure and storm.  

May he be a source of refreshment and hope wherever he goes, whether to palace or factory, field or office, in this land, in the Commonwealth, and beyond. 

Where wounds are unhealed between nations and communities, work through him to bring reconciliation. And where friendship already flows, enable him to forge even deeper bonds of trust and cooperation. 

Help him, Lord, as Head of the Church of England, to live and share the truth and beauty of Christ with grace, and to protect the rights of all his citizens to worship freely according to their convictions. 

We also pray for Queen Camilla and her hard work for many causes, particularly on behalf of women and children suffering from abuse in the UK and internationally. May her union with Charles be a source of delight and strength for them both. Bring reconciliation and joy in their wider family. And grant them daily refreshment through your Word and the mighty power of your Holy Spirit.  

And for your glory may it be.  

In the name of Christ,  



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