Turn ‘yes, but’ into ‘let’s go!’
Making Disciples for Everyday Life is a series of articles addressing eight questions church leaders often ask about whole-life disciplemaking. Discover the experiences of leaders who are making progress in equipping people to follow Jesus in their Monday to Saturday lives.
Make disciples. Disciples who live and love in Jesus’ ways wherever they are, whatever they’re doing, whoever they’re with. Jesus did it. He calls us to do the same.
We want to… But questions abound.
What would it look like in a church like ours? How do we make sure it’s not just one more flash in the pan? Will a focus on mission beyond the church kill our church-based initiatives? How could I even begin to make time for this?
All good questions. What emerges from these responses is an honest and heartening picture of local churches growing in fruitfulness as they become disciple-forming communities. And each section includes practical suggestions for how you could do the same in your church.
As you engage with their stories, may your legitimate ‘yes, buts’ be transformed into a holy ‘let’s go!’