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Top 6 Books about Faith at Work

1. Workplace Grace by Bill Peel and Walt Larrimore
This is one of the best books we’ve found on sharing faith at work, because it’s so practical and specific. The authors break down the key steps most people take on a journey of drawing near to God, then helpfully identify the ways in which we can join in with what God is doing at each stage. Even if you wouldn’t count yourself as a gifted evangelist, this book is full of simple and non-awkward ways we can all become channels of God’s grace to the people in our workplace.

2. Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good by Amy L. Sherman
Presenting an exciting vision for our work that goes beyond workplace ethics and evangelism, Sherman explores the idea of ‘vocational stewardship’. She looks at how Christians can more intentionally and strategically develop our knowledge, position, influence, skills and reputation at work, in a way that allows us to thrive and experience fulfillment in our jobs as well as being more effective bearers of God’s kingdom. And it’s not just theoretical – she gives some great real-life examples of Christians who have endeavoured to bring their faith alive in their work in exactly this way.

3. Thank God it’s Monday by Mark Greene
This contemporary classic is a fun but purposeful exploration of mission and ministry at work. Full of insightful stories, lively illustrations and practical applications of the Bible, it helps us to recognise God’s keen interest in our everyday working-life issues: our work itself, the people we work with and the organisations we work in. It’s a quick and easy read and will fill you with a new enthusiasm for your job as you learn to see it from God’s point of view.

4. Work Matters by Paul Stevens
Stevens is one of the earliest modern pioneers writing on the theme of workplace faith. Here he artfully combines biblical stories of working people like Ruth, Priscilla and Aquila, David, Jonah, and Paul with workplace wisdom for our modern day context. This is a great book if you want to explore the theological dimensions of your daily work in parallel with the broader story of the Bible, using a more devotional approach – and it’s a great complement to the more practical books on this list.

5. Every Good Endeavour by Tim Keller & Katherine Leary Alsdorf
The selling point of this book is that it’s rooted in Keller and Leary Alsdorf’s experience at New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church, ministering to people from every sphere of the workplace – from young creatives to seasoned business professionals. With reference to both Scripture and a range of historic wisdom, including C S Lewis and Dorothy L Sayers, they show us how work is so much more than just a means to an end. It’s clear that God has a core purpose for work and our every-day work has a vital place in that plan.

6. God at Work by Ken Costa
Not only is this a helpful introductory book on the topic of faith and work, it can also be used as a set of six easy-to-use sessions that you can tackle individually or in a small group. Costa draws on his 40 years’ experience as a banker in the City of London to offer practical wisdom on finding purpose at work, addressing topics like ambition, managing success and failure, and making difficult decisions.