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Swipe right for Mr(s) Right: are you looking for love?

Whether you met your spouse on SALT, have a Hinge horror story, or would be terrified to even try Tinder, dating apps have undoubtedly shaped the way we pursue and perceive love.

Tinder says, ‘if you’re looking for love, you’ve come to the right place.’ Recently, the popular dating app confirmed plans to launch a new ‘high end’ membership, Tinder Vault. This pricy package promises an ‘even more fun experience’ with limitless swipes, prioritised likes, and profile boosts.

Don’t get me wrong, as a single 20-something, I totally get it. I’d love to find love. And there’s a good chance you’re looking for love, too – even if you’re not on a dating app or, like me, can’t stomach the thought of paying £400 per month to find ‘the one’. Looking for love isn’t wrong; in fact, it’s a natural and good desire. We all want to be known intimately because we’re created in the image of our relational God (Genesis 1:26-27).

What’s more, the Bible celebrates romantic love and sexual pleasure in marriage. Look at the description of marital consummation in Song of Songs – it doesn’t shy away from the birds and the bees! That said, marriage isn’t the be-all and end-all, and is by no means guaranteed. In his goodness, God may choose to bless you with a spouse. But even then, this love will only ever be a shadow of his vast love for you.

So, back to online dating… by all means, give it a go (I have)! It’s a tried-and-tested way to meet people – just like you might spark up a conversation at church. But, as followers of Jesus, we’re to use the apps distinctively and with discernment.

Ask the Spirit to help you radiate peace and joy in your singleness, showing that your identity is in Christ, not in the number of matches you get each day. If your friends are anything like mine, they’ll want minute-by-minute updates on your love life. These conversations are an opportunity to explain what you’re looking for – not a one-night stand but rather a committed relationship and, ultimately, marriage to someone else who loves Jesus.

Finally, model integrity by presenting an honest picture of yourself when creating a profile, and faithfulness by speaking to one person at a time.

Swiping right might be the first step to finding a spouse. But whether you’re single or married, keep looking to Jesus. In him, you are loved beyond measure.

Sophie Sanders
Marketing & Communications Executive, LICC




  1. What this doesn’t address is how online dating has turned everybody to looking at appearance rather than character. Rather than looking at people within reach (eg. within a church community) who are decent, they look for the Henry Cavill or Margot Robbie lookalikes who turn out to be plentiful online but rare locally. Online dating promises love much like social media promises friendship, and all most people are left with is a pale imitation or loneliness. What I liked about this website’s recent articles on conversation should apply here: people should find each other by conversing.

    Online dating these days is enough to have anyone kiss dating goodbye, even without advice from that Joshua Harris book.

    By Alfred  -  18 Aug 2023

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