The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Hope sweet hope | Bringing hope

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


ISAIAH 40:31



‘I wish I could harness that energy,’ I think, as I watch my son leap over the sofa to pick up another toy, before zooming back through the kitchen at top speed to place it in his game. Eventually even this energy will come to an end, needing snacks and downtime to refresh.

Isaiah looks at the eagles and sees their effortless movement as they soar on warmed air, able to keep on going and going and going. We who hope in Jesus are told that our strength will be renewed. I don’t think this means that we will suddenly have the kind of relentless energetic bursts of a three-year-old on a mission, or that we will be able to work an 80-hour week and not burn out.

Rather, he seems to be pointing to a hope that is sustaining even when much is demanded of it, when much is asked of us. Hope that keeps on giving.

When I look at stories of disciples who have walked before me, I’m struck by the solidity of their hope. It’s their sure hope in the person of Jesus, in his death and resurrection, that allows them to walk the wonderful, hard, and challenging road of faith. Bringing hope to the people around them.

For some this is faith-filled and hopeful parenting, like in the life of Susanna Wesley, Paula Bonhoeffer, or my friend Pete. Some are called to workplaces where they bring about cultural change like Charles Correra, speak up for justice like Octavia Hill, or minister grace and love like Florence Nightingale. The hope they have in Jesus gave them strength to keep going through the challenges, and find endurance in the every day.

So what does this mean for me, or you? It means I try to bring my focus back to Jesus, to lift my eyes up from the everyday tasks, work, laundry, or school run, to see how they fit into God’s bigger picture. To do it all knowing I’m working for God, trying to model his character, bring something of his hope.

And it means celebrating his goodness in my celebrations, whilst knowing he is with me in my sadness – remembering that whatever I’m facing, my hope is in Jesus, and that hope is bigger than the challenges of today. So today, pause, and remind yourself of that strength-restoring hope!

Revd Jo Trickey
Church Advocate, LICC
What is making you weary at the moment? How can you shift your focus from the challenge to the hope? Join the conversation below.


  1. Thank you so much Jo for your words of great encouragement! These words are so energizing and refreshing.
    Sadly words of discouragement and words that push us to do something meaningless have the opposite effect, draining us of energy and inspiration. May we be able to rise on eagles’ wings above such negativity.

    By Peter Puttick  -  28 Aug 2023
  2. Thank you. This has encouraged me. My wife and I at the age of 83 and 80 work as lay leaders of worship in a liberal church. Once a fortnight we have the chance to lead the service and preach the gospel, otherwise unknown in this church. We also run the pastoral work in this parish where we have lived for 52 years except for 25 years mission work. There are immense possibilities for older people working in their local communities to present the gospel by word and love in their everyday work. Perhaps the LICC could concentrate a little more on this age group

    By Edwin Martin  -  28 Aug 2023
  3. I was meditating on this passage yesterday, so this comes as a confirmation and reminder to me of the strength that is available to us in God so we can soar, run and walk. Thanks.

    By Tony Horsfall  -  28 Aug 2023
  4. Thank you for this post,we found it very encouraging. We are a couple aged 80 and 83 who have lived on and off the same village for 52 years when we have been home from 20 years of missionary service. The local church is liberal and there is no pastoral work in the village. We decided to engage with the liberal church, I became a lay leader of worship and my wife engaged heavily with the pastoral care within the village, a full time job. This means that every month I can run the service and can preach the gospel, which opens the door to witness in everyday encounters. This is a huge job! Older people have great opportunities to do this sort of work and we would welcome support from LICC in doing this

    By Edwin Martin  -  28 Aug 2023

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