The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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LICC in Translation: Spanish Resources

Our mission is focused on the UK, but plenty of our resources are available in translation. Check out the pages below to see what’s on offer in Spanish.


Dando fruto en tu lugar de misión
Fruitfulness on the Frontline book

Whether you are a student or retired, at the gym or at work, at the school gate or in the supermarket, this popular book provides a fresh framework for being a fruitful follower of Jesus – six simple ways you can make a difference with him right where you are.

El gran abismo
The Great Divide

The great divide is the all-too-common belief that some parts of life are ‘sacred’ and important to God but others are ‘secular’ and irrelevant. A quick, one-sitting read, The Great Divide will help you see how it’s affecting you and your church, and get you inspired to start combatting it.

Deja que te cuente…
The One About…

True stories of God working through ordinary Christians in their everyday lives – to inspire you to see your own life through his eyes

Por fin es lunes
Thank God it’s Monday

Fun, fast, and full of stories, this book looks at how we can make the most of our time at work, helping us to see our jobs as God does.

Imagina, iglesia
Imagine Church

Based on field research with churches across the UK, this book offers hope, wisdom, and real-life examples for churches seeking to make disciples or all of life.

Probablemente, la mejor idea del mundo
Probably the Best Idea in the World

Love God. Love one another. This book shows how Jesus’ emphasis on living relationally is not only a liberating basis for our personal lives, but for our workplaces, society, and global community. Because putting relationships first transforms everything.



Guía Dando fruto en tu lugar de misión para universitarios
Fruitfulness on the Frontline group study: student edition

Explore six simple, powerful ways you can make a difference with and for Jesus in daily life in this popular study for small groups, specially adapted for students.

Guía Dando fruto en tu lugar de misión para grupos de jóvenes
Fruitfulness on the Frontline group study: youth edition

Explore six simple, powerful ways you can make a difference with and for Jesus in daily life in this popular study for small groups, specially adapted for youth groups.

Discípulos 24/7
The Whole of Life for Christ

Seven Bible studies to explore and live out the marvelous truth that the gospel is an invitation into whole-life discipleship, into a life following and imitating Jesus.

Transforma tu trabajo
Transforming Work

Encourage each other to live out your faith in the workplace with this powerful group series, including discussion videos, a participant app, and a leader’s guide.

Puerta siete – coming soon
The Gateway Seven series

A study series on seven books of the Bible, covering seven genres, with a whole-life discipleship focus. Explore Proverbs (Wisdom), Exodus (Law), 1 Peter (Letters), Ezekiel (Prophecy), Ruth (Narrative), Mark (Gospel), and Revelation (Apocalyptic).