The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Please would you help us empower Christians to live as disciples on their daily frontlines with a monthly or one-off gift?

Becoming a Friend of LICC with a gift of £10 per month can help us create these prayer journeys and other practical resources. Through the generosity of our partners, we’re reaching hundreds of thousands of Christians in the UK and around the world. Your donation will help us reach so many more.

Become a Friend by setting up a regular gift today!


Give by direct debit

Set up a monthly direct debit.

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Give by standing order

Download our form (PDF) to set up a regular standing order.

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Other ways to give


Bank transfer

LICC’s bank details: 

Bank: CAF Bank Ltd

Account: LICC Ltd

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account No: 00003077



Made payable to LICC

Payment reference: General

Addressed to: LICC, St Peter’s, Vere Street, London, W1G 0DQ


Leaving a legacy

If you are considering leaving a gift to LICC in your will, or have already included a gift to LICC in your will and would like to speak to someone about the difference this will make, please contact [email protected]. You can also find out more about leaving a legacy.

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Charitable aid agency

Give through a charitable aid agency such a Stewardship, CAF, JustGiving, Charities Trust, or Charitable Giving.


Reference: LICC


Payroll giving

Please contact your employer to give through their payroll giving scheme, which will allow you to give pre-tax and pass on the benefit to LICC.