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LICC appoints Paul Woolley as CEO

Woolley will join LICC from current role as Deputy Chief Executive of Bible Society

LICC is announcing the appointment of Paul Woolley as its new Chief Executive Officer. Paul will join the team in January 2021 from his current role as Deputy Chief Executive of Bible Society.

Earlier this year, current LICC Executive Director Mark Greene proposed to the Board that, after 21 years at the helm, he could best contribute to the cause by focusing on writing and speaking in a new full-time role as Mission Champion. Since then, the Board has been prayerfully working with an external search company to recruit a new Chief Executive to take the impact of LICC’s mission to the next level.

‘Now,’ said Chairman Paul Valler, ‘I’m delighted to announce that God has provided the right person to build on the extraordinary progress we’ve seen. Paul Woolley brings with him a profound commitment to whole-life discipleship in everyday life and work, and the proven ability to grow an organisation built round a cause.’

Prior to his time at Bible Society, Paul founded Theos, an influential UK think tank dedicated to stimulating debate on religion and its place in society. He has also worked in Parliament, public affairs and the media, bringing his faith to bear on matters of public policy.

Paul has a deep love of the Bible and a sharp theological mind. He’s a graduate of the London School of Theology, has an MLitt in theology from St Andrew’s, and is currently undertaking a PhD on Wilberforce’s use of the Bible. He has also been contributing to LICC’s strategy as a member of the Board since 2014, so he has a deep understanding of its vision and work.

‘LICC’s whole life discipleship mission is life-changing and world-changing,’ said Paul Woolley. ‘I don’t know of anything more important, or a better way to demonstrate the contemporary relevance of Christianity.

‘This is a hugely significant moment culturally, and the missional opportunities are immense.  It’s my hope and prayer that we will grow what John Stott planted, and Martyn Eden, Elaine Storkey and Mark Greene have nurtured. It’s not growth for the sake of growth but because we’re ambitious to see God’s people grow as radical disciples of Jesus.

‘I join LICC as a longstanding fan and supporter.  It’s a privilege to receive the baton of leadership from Mark.  He’s been second to none in advocating the cause.  I’m really looking forward to working with him and the whole team, and to seeing what God has in store for us in this new season.’

 Mark Greene commented: ‘I’ve known Paul for over 20 years as a person of prayer and godly character, brimming with passion for the gospel and biblical insight. He is blessed with a formidable range of leadership skills, and the humility and good humour to go with them.

‘I couldn’t be more thrilled that he’s coming to LICC to put all he is in Christ behind embedding whole-life disciplemaking in the culture of the UK church, and liberating all God’s people for their everyday mission. We praise God for his rich provision, and pray that we might make the most of the opportunity he has given us at this critical time in our national life.’

Paul is married to Ruth, and they and their four young children live in Wiltshire. Further detail about Paul’s appointment, his experience, and his commitment to LICC’s mission can be found in this interview, hosted by LICC’s Emerging Generations lead Tim Yearsley.