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Welcome to the Vital Signs Assessment Tool

We know disciplemaking is important – vital, even. But how do we move from good intentions to best practice?

Watch the video below, then check how your church is doing with this 20-question assessment.

'Vital Signs is an engaging, accessible, and really practical way to… embed whole-life discipleship more deeply yourself and amongst our churches.'

Lynn Green General Secretary of Baptists Together

'Vital Signs is an inspiring, thoughtful, and refreshingly accessible invitation to whole-life discipleship… I have no doubt that this will become an invaluable resource, for individuals and entire communities, helping to create a culture of vibrant Christian transformation.'

Pete Greig Founder of 24-7 Prayer International and Senior Pastor at Emmaus Road Church

'This will actually make your life easier and empower all of your congregations to be effective Christian witnesses everywhere they find themselves.'

Gavin Calver CEO of the Evangelical Alliance

How does it work?

You’re about to answer 20 simple questions. For each question, select how true you think the statement is. Afterwards, you’ll get a detailed report on how well your church is doing at equipping people for discipleship in daily life, along with some suggested next steps for you.

Get a team score

The assessment works even better when you do it as a team. After you get your results, you can combine them with others from your team to receive an average result and a fuller picture of how well your church is doing with whole-life disciplemaking. 

There’s more

Vital Signs is more than just this Assessment Tool! It also includes a full-length book, next steps videos, and insight articles that’ll help you identify practical things you can do to embed whole-life discipleship more deeply in your church.

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Why is this ‘Vital’? 

If we want to see our nation transformed by the good news of Jesus, it’s vital that our churches grow ‘whole-life disciples’ – people living out the truth that the gospel means the restoration of all things: jobs, relationships, tasks, hobbies, communities, politics, finances, and beyond.

This is what discipleship was always meant to be – impacting all of our lives. This message of whole-life discipleship is vital for all of us but it can so easily slip from our priorities amidst competing church demands. Vital Signs helps bring it back to the fore.

Am I answering for myself or my church?

Questions 1 and 2 are for you to answer for you to answer about yourself. Questions 3–20 are about where you’re at as a church.

What do we really mean by 'never', 'sometimes', 'occasionally', 'usually' and 'always’?

If you’re unsure how to score yourself on a particular question, it may be helpful to think in the following way:

  • ‘Never true’ means this happens 0% of the time, or close to it
  • ‘Occasionally true’ means this happens around 25% of the time
  • ‘Sometimes true’ means this happens around 50% of the time
  • ‘Usually true’ means this happens around 75% of the time
  • ‘Always true’ means this happens 100% of the time, or close to it

What does Vital Signs do for me and my church? 

This assessment tool will reveal how your church is doing at equipping people to join in God’s mission in every part of life – not just when they’re gathered together.

Simply answer the 20 multiple choice questions, and you’ll receive detailed analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. Then you and your team can plan for the future. You can do it on your own or, even better, as a leadership team. That way, you’ll get a group score to discuss.

It should only take 15 minutes – but the results could be life-changing for the people in your church.

Can I be in more than one church team group at a time?

Your account can be only be linked to one church team at a time. However, you can join a different church team at any time by clicking the button ‘leave team’ in your online account and joining a new team.

Buy the book

Alongside the assessment tool, the vital signs book provides, insights, examples, practical next steps and prayers for each of the 20 Vital Signs.

Buy the book