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Worker Friendly Church Resources | Session 1

Find all the Worker Friendly Church resources for the first session right here!

  • Work: The Bigger Picture – Video introducing a vision for work as significant to God and a context for ministry and mission (Mark Greene)
  • Thank God it’s Monday – Book offering a deeper and often humorous dive into the opportunities work offers to join in what God is doing
    (Mark Greene)
  • Every Good Endeavour – Book exploring a theology of work, with applications in different sectors (Tim Keller)
  • Fruitfulness on the Frontline – Book and DVD small group resource introducing the 6M framework

Workplace survey tool (PDF)

Five simple questions to help you understand more about where your people work and their challenges and opportunities.

Workplace visit guide (PDF)

Advice and good questions to ask when visiting Christians at work.

  • Transforming Work – A highly relational discipleship program for working Christians, running in eight sessions over a year
  • Executive Toolbox – Three 24-hour intensives for workplace leaders
  • Workplace Sundays – Outline and resources for running a Sunday worship service themed around work

Commissioning service (PDF)

Guidelines for preparing and commissioning people for work.


Worker Friendly Church | Session 2