The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Wisdom Lab: Rage Against the Machine

Discipleship in the digital age

One thing became crystal clear over the pandemic: we’re incredibly dependent on technology. With family chats on Zoom, working from home, and church online, our screen time went through the roof as we relied on tech to connect us to the outside world.

And this dependence isn’t new. You’re reading this on an electronic device. Your phone’s probably in your hand or within arm’s reach. And there’s a good chance you spend several hours on that phone each day.

But how often do we stop to think about how the technology we use every day is forming us? Is it possible that our technology is subtly teaching us what’s good, what’s evil, and what it means to be human?

As the digital world grows in influence, it’s vital to understand how it serves – and violates – God’s purposes for creation. Because as Christians, we all have a duty to use technology in a way that brings healing to ourselves and our communities – and communicates the gospel to our virtual neighbours in a meaningful way.

Let’s explore this crucial topic, and discover together what it looks like to make a difference for Christ in this tech-dominated age.

Recorded on Zoom on 27 September 2021


  1. Matt Jolley on Listen – 3:43
  2. Dr Dave Benson on Imagine – 21:44
  3. Matt Jolley on Create and Communicate – 41:32


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Discussion guide | Rage Against the Machine

Download the discussion guide from the night itself, for watching this session with your small group or church and facilitating your own conversation.

Helpful articles

Wisdom Lab Articles

As part of his contribution to this Wisdom Lab, Matt Jolley wrote two blog articles exploring this topic further:

  • Part one: Listen to what’s going on and imagine the role of technology  within the mission of God
  • Part two: Create change by reforming your relationship with your devices, and communicate the gospel as good news for a technological age
Connecting with Culture

Blog articles which engage with technologys influence in our culture, considering how we might respond in our everyday lives in a Christlike way:

Continue the conversation

Check out other LICC event recordings with discussion questions that’ll help you dig deeper into this topic.

The Robot Will See You Now

Technology such as AI, has brought huge leaps forward in the ease and convenience of life and work. But that ‘progress’ also raises important social and ethical issues. How are we to relate to other people? And, at the most basic level, what does it mean to be human?



Be Wise: Theology for Everyday Life

Join us for an in-depth, 12-session online course, designed to help you grow in wisdom – equipping you to live in a way that’s distinctly and intentionally Christian on a 24/7 basis, becoming a ‘peacemaker’ in your daily context.