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Creation care in a climate crisis | Care

For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

ROMANS 8:19–22


Jesus died to forgive our sins, rescue us from judgement, and reconcile us to God – absolutely and amen! But he also died to save the planet – perhaps you’ve never thought about Jesus’ death like that before? Wonderfully, this is the whole gospel and it’s good news for the whole of creation including birds, ecosystems, fish, insects, reptiles, plants, planets, oceans, reptiles, men, and women.

When Adam sinned, the land was cursed, too (Genesis 3:17). And so, when Jesus returns in glory, we’re told that ‘creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay’. Marine life will no longer be threatened by discarded nets, bottles, and bags. Global warming will be stopped in its tracks, meaning glaciers will no longer melt and droughts will be no more. And that’s just the start. The chaos ushered in by the Fall will be reversed; order will be restored. Once again, God will declare creation to be ‘very good’, just like he did at the beginning of time (Genesis 1:31).

God isn’t going to destroy this world, but instead regenerate it to all it was meant to be. Yes, we currently witness creation ‘groaning’ under the weight of its brokenness, but there is hope. These cries aren’t death throes but rather birth pangs which anticipate the day when Jesus returns in glory. On this day, he’s not going to destroy the world as we know it, but rather restore it to all it was meant to be. He’s already begun this transformative work, and he invites us, as his people, to join him in this kingdom mission, which extends to every square inch of the globe.

What does that look like? Well, last week we thought about personal action. But Jesus died to save the planet – not just your street, community, or city. And so, we need to have a global outlook, engaging with national and international systems, as well as thinking about personal and local action. I’ve found ‘Take the Jump’ a helpful framework to think about how the cumulative effect of small, local actions can have a global impact. The campaign challenges you to make at least one shift to ‘change the system’, acknowledging that big improvements to global infrastructure and economic and financial systems are needed. That might be changing to a green energy supplier, using ethical and green banks, or pushing for change through activism and peaceful protest.

Jesus died to save the planet – will we join him?

Sophie Sanders
Marketing & Communications Lead

In what ways can you help ‘change the system’ through your lifestyle choices? Join the conversation below.

Join us at LICC on 20 June for Wisdom Lab: Everyday Earthkeeping, where four expert speakers will give TED-style talks on how we can care for creation as part of our everyday discipleship. Leading up to the event, read the accompanying blog series by the speakers, on how we can respond wisely to the climate crisis as followers of Jesus.


  1. Reading John 6:27 recently and the rest of that chapter reminded me that we are often so preoccupied with life here on this earth, we are not seeking God’s heavenly kingdom which Jesus calls us to seek above all things first in Matt 6:33. The welfare of people and the planet is laudable and we are called to be good Samaritans . But if we only save lives here on earth and prolong the life of a sin filled planet and don’t point them to Christ, they will still die. It is God himself who will make all things new. Until he comes we will see wars, famines, evil and the results of selfishness until sin itself is destroyed. So what kind of kingdom are we as Christians, Christ’s own disciples, trying to create? Are we often more concerned with earthly kingdoms and earthly bread than proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven and sharing the bread of life. And what are we working for, both in our personal lives as well as mission ? Do we need to assess our own priorities? What do Jesus words in John 6:27ff have to say to us today ?

    By Richard W  -  17 Jun 2024

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