The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Be still (2/4) | The Lord is your shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
    he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

Psalm 23:1–4

These are beloved verses – you may well be humming along whilst reading them! It’s my prayer that these familiar words will bring fresh refreshment to your soul.

David opens by calling the Lord ‘my shepherd’. Spurgeon observes the confidence and sweetness of the monosyllable ‘my’. The Lord isn’t just a shepherd – he is mine. Having been a shepherd himself before experiencing kingly splendour, David knew the unexpectedness of a farmer becoming a king. The Lord is King of all kings and my shepherd – this is my God, who stoops to take tender care of his sheep.

These verses remind us that God loves us personally, intimately, and actively. The declaration ‘I lack nothing’ is a distinct acknowledgment that the Lord is the shepherd who cares for me, preserves me, and watches over me. The psalm continues into an image of a flock resting in meadows beside quiet rivers. The picture overflows with the comfort and rest that time with the Lord provides. As a result, David’s soul is restored.

It’s said that you can’t pour from an empty cup. As followers of a sacrificial and suffering Saviour who died on the cross for the sake of the world, we’re tempted to reject anything that faintly whiffs of self-care. But perhaps we’ve overlooked the transformative significance of refreshment for our souls for the way we live and deal with others?

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, many of us felt bereft of teaching from God’s word, yearning for precious time spent with his people and longing to sing his praises together. Spending time with God, both as a lone sheep and a gathered flock, is refreshing! Whether it’s reading the Bible during our commute, singing God’s praises in the shower, giving sincere thanks to God for our food, or meeting with other believers to talk about him, making regular time to spend with the Lord allows us to love him and those around us.

A refreshed soul enables us to enjoy God and depend on his grace daily. A refreshed soul means a renewed enthusiasm for the ways of the Lord, travelling ‘along the right paths, for his name’s sake’. A refreshed soul means a transformed ability to draw alongside friends going through the darkest of valleys.

We can be present and peace-filled with those we come across in everyday life – whether a peer, a parent, or a postman – knowing our comfort and security is in the shepherd who looks after us.

Dorothy Moorley
Dorothy Moorley is an incoming criminal pupil barrister and recent graduate of the CARE Leadership Programme.

How can we make time during the day to allow the Lord to refresh our soul?


  1. Good article. I felt the same that after Covid people would be desperate to get back to church person, but it didn’t happen in many churches. Some got used to on line pick and mix, others found different interests, for some it was a time to finish volunteering, not only in churches. For some I spoke to they liked the isolation! People are working more from home and not mixing, I think soon people will realise it can be isolating. As church we need to be open to changes in culture and community is one of the things church can offer.

    By infodarlington11  -  9 Sep 2024
  2. Pray while taking a shower if you think you don’t have any other time

    By Marie Stevenson  -  9 Sep 2024

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