The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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As a Christian, you should vote for…

Politics is dominating the headlines. No surprise, really, because there’s a General Election in just a few weeks’ time.

But I’ve got a confession to make. I’ve been scrolling past these headlines on the hunt for topics that are more up my street: think health, fitness, wellbeing, relationships. It’s a coping mechanism, an avoidance tactic, and an escapism strategy. Because, if I’m honest, I feel supremely underqualified to make a decision about who to vote for and totally disillusioned with all the manifestos.

I’m speaking to myself when I say it’s important to return to the fundamentals. Whether you’re loving the election coverage or wish you could fast forward through the next few weeks, it’s a privilege and a responsibility to have the right to vote. As followers of Jesus, it’s a way in which we join in his redemptive work, pursuing a means of governance that reflects his kingdom values and enables the flourishing of those around us. And that means we need to get informed, thinking wisely and prayerfully about which issues and policies will direct our votes.

What God cares about is what we should care about. And his priorities transcend left-versus-right party politics. He commanded humankind to ‘work’ and ‘take care’ of the land (Genesis 2:15), to ‘administer true justice’, ‘show mercy and compassion’, and to ‘not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the foreigner, or the poor’ (Zechariah 7:9–10).

Even though election coverage is pretty far down my watchlist, I know I need to think about these issues. Which policies will best align with God’s pattern for human flourishing by celebrating good, punishing evil, pursuing peace, and protecting the oppressed? And which leaders would we be wise to submit to? Because ultimately, unless it directly contradicts biblical commands, we’re called to obey and honour human governance (Romans 13:1–2).

In the coming weeks, you’ll likely engage in conversations about the election with neighbours, friends, colleagues, and family members – some of whom will have reached different conclusions about where they’ll cast their vote. Let every conversation be seasoned with grace. Avoid tribalism. Be open to hearing other perspectives. Because, under Christ’s rule, there’s no place for militant arguments with your mates or political slurs in the office.

Finally, join me in praying for the new government – for wisdom in decision-making, for stability in our land, for good and honest governance, and policies that enable the flourishing of all.

Sophie Sanders
Marketing & Communications Lead, LICC


  1. I understand that some Christians, after prayerful consideration, may not be able to vote with a clear conscience. They may like me have voted for various parties in the past and then see them bring in legislation that is clearly non-Biblical and dishonouring to God.
    Not voting or spoiling a ballot paper are both choices that can be God honouring – sending a message to politicians that they are not listening or representing all of society.

    By Simon G  -  14 Jun 2024
  2. Spot on. Thank you for sharing this, LICC.

    We face two dangerous political traps as Christians:

    1. Getting in too deep.
    2. Despising and rejecting it all.

    Important to be thoughtful and considered as we vote and communicate about politics.

    I’m reminded of the words of Tim Keller:

    “When the church as a whole is no longer seen as speaking to questions that transcend politics, and when it is no longer united by a common faith that transcends politics, then the world sees strong evidence that Nietzsche, Freud, and Marx were right, that religion is really just a cover for people wanting to get their way in the world.”

    By Serena  -  14 Jun 2024
  3. Matthew 5:9
    Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God”

    By Elwyn Lloyd Jones  -  14 Jun 2024
  4. Matthew 5:9: Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God”

    By Elwyn Jones  -  17 Jun 2024

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