The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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2024. What a year. Looking back, there’s not been much time for small talk on our weekly Connecting with Culture blogs, with epoch-shifting elections on home turf and across the pond, riots and resignations, and systemic scandals in healthcare and the post service, to name just two examples.

In fact, with such high levels of headline-hitting drama, our lovely blog editor, Mims, enforced a last-minute ‘pivot, pivot’ on more than one occasion… 

But as we look back, what can we learn about this cultural moment – the moment within which we live and the moment into which, as disciples of Jesus, we’re called to bring hope, speak truth, and demonstrate sacrificial love?  

Put simply, our culture is grieved by the brokenness and outraged by the violence that tears apart communities and takes life from individuals. And, what’s more, it’s longing for redemption, reconciliation, and renewal. Even if they don’t realise it, our friends, colleagues, and neighbours are desperate for the perfect rule and reign of Jesus – where love and justice mingle, truth and mercy meet.  

As his followers, we’re invited to join in God’s work to heal and restore all that has been damaged and broken by sin – to be redemptive culture-makers who proclaim the good news of Jesus’ rule and reign through our words and actions. In doing so, we participate in and evidence the work of our Saviour who was sent to ‘proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, [and] to set the oppressed free.’ (Luke 4:18–19) It’s a huge privilege and a huge responsibility.  

So, as you head into a new year, take a moment to think about what this might look like for you.  

If you’re a counsellor or a lawyer, you might offer your services for free to help a woman escape domestic violence. If you’re a business owner, you might ensure that all those in your supply chain are paid a living wage. Or, whatever your job, it might look like calling out racial slurs you overhear on public transport, being the first one to forgive in a petty argument with your spouse, or thanking the person stacking the shelves in your local supermarket for their good work.  

Just imagine the impact of these kind words and generous actions – it’s a beautiful picture of Jesus-like communities, and we have the privilege of bringing these into reality with him. 

Sophie Sanders
Marketing & Communications Lead, LICC 


  1. Thank you Sophie

    What an inspiring challenge at the start of another new year. May God grant us by His Holy Spirit the wisdom, grace and courage to be the Jesus centred people this world needs. Blessings for 2025

    By Arthur Canning  -  5 Jan 2025

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