The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Honest, unfiltered conversations about faith, culture, and everything in between.

If you’re looking for vulnerable, candid conversations about hot topics like online dating, vaping, swearing, and holidaying with your significant other before you’re married, Unscripted is the series for you.

In chats hosted by LICC’s Ennette Lainchbury, each topic is addressed in an informal, relatable, and biblical way, modelling how to critique, celebrate, and shape contemporary culture to be more kingdom-like.

Ennette is joined across the series by Darby Vincent, Sam Brown, Mims Schluter, and Tim Yearsley – all young adults navigating what it means to put your faith into practice in today’s culture.

As you watch, you’ll be equipped to bring a biblical perspective to these divisive topics. Because whilst the Bible doesn’t explicitly reference these contemporary questions, it has wisdom that speaks into and transforms every sphere of our lives.

Watch now

Check out Unscripted on YouTube.


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Other Resources (3)

Connecting with Culture

Our blog reflecting on weekly news, trends, innovation, and the arts

The Whole Life Podcast

Connecting the Christian story with all of life.

Thank God it’s Monday Podcast

Mark Greene chats work, purpose, and flourishing with Christians in all kinds of jobs.