The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Online Learning Hub


Induction/Orientation Evening: 10th January 2023

Session 1: 24th January 2023

Session 2: 21st March 2023

Session 3: 16th May 2023

Session 4: 4th July 2023

Session 5: 12th September 2023

Session 6: 7th November 2023

Session 7: 9th January 2024

Session 8: 5th March 2024

Online Event


An immersive journey of change for lay and ordained leadership teams to help them grow whole-life disciplemaking churches.

For the first time, we’re gathering an online Learning Hub so you can join from anywhere in the UK! This is a great opportunity for church teams to get together with other churches in your local area and work on developing a whole-life disciplemaking culture at the heart of your church.

In community with other like-minded churches, Learning Hubs are designed to equip anyone in a church leadership position – lay and ordained, paid or voluntary – to grow whole-life disciples. Whether your church has 200 people or 20 people, whether you’re in in the middle of a city or out in the countryside, whether you’re feeling energised or exhausted – Learning Hubs are for you, to help you release people into the roles God has for them.

You’ll be guided through a process of change in eight workshops across 14 months, covering:

  • Session 1: Casting the vision for whole-life disciplemaking
  • Session 2: Leading culture change
  • Session 3: Spiritual formation and vitality
  • Session 4: Sharing faith in the everyday
  • Session 5: Intentional relationships and small groups
  • Session 6: Whole-life preaching
  • Session 7: Gathered and scattered worship
  • Session 8: Growing disciples through the seasons of life

The Learning Hub will ground you in the theology and principles of whole-life disciplemaking, helping you grow the motivation, habits, and practical skills you need to put it into practice day by day. Working collaboratively as a leadership team, you’ll discern the existing culture in your church, envision what a healthy whole-life culture could look like, and identify how to get there as a whole community.

Through this process, you’ll be empowered to help people in your church see their daily lives through God’s eyes, going out into their everyday places ready to join his kingdom work there.

Sessions 1-8 are all on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Cost: £500 per church team.