The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Host a ReWork day

Inspire young adults to see why their work matters to God – equipping them to thrive, not just survive.

In a ‘decent’ week, an average Christian might spend four hours with other Christians at church. And in that same week, they might spend 40 hours with their colleagues at work.  Ten times as many.

We know what discipleship looks like in the four hours. But what about the 40?

What does it mean to be as alert to God’s presence at the desk as in the pew? What does it mean to be a lovingly present, lovingly disruptive kingdom citizen in your workplace? And for those of us in church leadership, what does it look like to prepare people for the week ahead of them, instead of the week ahead of us?

ReWork is a one-day event that takes a deep dive into those questions. Its aim is to inspire young adults to connect their discipleship to their work, and to see how they can make a difference with God through what they do, not just around it.

LICC runs ReWork in partnership with a host church or ministry: you host the day and invite the participants. We bring the expert teaching, mentors, logistical support, and marketing materials to help with recruitment. Together, we’ll deliver an inspiring day tailored to the people in the room.

If your church or ministry is interested in hosting a ReWork day, register your interest below and a member of the LICC team will be in touch!

What happens at a ReWork day?

LICC works with your church or ministry to create a bespoke event, putting our expert workplace teaching together with the needs of your people. Together, we'll use and adapt the sessions below:


01: Why your work matters to God

Many young adults can give a broad theology of work based on Genesis 1–3, but far fewer can articulate a theology of their profession. This talk offers a biblical framework that helps people uncover why their particular work matters in God’s big picture – and how to show up on Monday as if it does.


02: Lovingly present, lovingly disruptive

‘Calling’ is a scary word for young adults who might be afraid of missing out on God’s purposes for their lives. This talk outlines the difference between ‘vocation’ and ‘occupation’ and explores what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus who is in the world, but not of the world – lovingly present, and lovingly disruptive – whatever your occupation might be.


03: Habits of purpose

It’s all well and good to talk about these ideas, but how do you become someone who lives it out every day? This talk presents LICC’s research into the spiritual practices of young adults and suggests practical ways in which deliberate habits make us more attentive to God on our frontlines – especially our workplaces.


04: Mentoring

There’s nothing quite like a conversation with someone who’s walked the path ahead of you already. A key part of ReWork is connecting young adults to Christians with decades of workplace experience, who can help them apply their learning to the practicalities of their own workplace situations – in both 1:1 conversations and whole-group sessions.

Host a ReWork day

Interested in equipping the young adults in your church or area for the workplace? Get in touch to organise a ReWork day with our team.

Join a ReWork near you

A ReWork day may well be about to happen near you! To find out if there’s one you can join, see our events page.

Still have questions?

If you’d like to get a feel for the content before hosting or joining ReWork, why not get in touch? Contact us to find out more.

I’m interested in hosting a ReWork day



Other resources (3)

Routed: Journeying into Work with God

Give students a vision for life after uni

Fruitfulness on the Frontline

Make a difference wherever you are

6M People

Watch true stories of God at work through ordinary Christians in everyday places in this inspiring video series