The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Who makes whole-life disciplemakers?

Together, we do.


Helping theological educators change our nation – one student at a time.

As Christians, our mission is simple. To be whole-life disciples, living as Christ would – changing the world with and for him one day at a time.

Most of us are trained for that mission by our church leaders. Which begs the question: who trains them?

If you’re in theological education, whether you’re a post-doc or a vice-principal – you do. Through the leaders you train, you impact thousands of Christians across the UK. We’re here to help you send them out into God’s world inspired and equipped to make whole-life disciples – so we might see his kingdom come in every sphere of society.

It’s a big goal. How can we work together to achieve it?

We know you’re navigating a complex higher education scene and balancing a hectic workload. And we know that influencing an institution is no small task. So we don’t just hand you a to-do list. We work as your teammates, supporting you on the journey to institiution-wide whole-life disciplemaking.

First, through audits and face-to-face consultancy, we help you develop strategies to shift the culture around you away from simply recruiting people into the academy. Instead, we help you map out a way to integrate everything students are learning and keep the formation of whole-life missionary disciplemakers central to all you do.

Then, through in-depth workshops, we help you work out what it looks like practically to grow whole-life disciplemakers in the detail of your teaching and the day-to-day life of your institution. We also carry out thorough analysis, tailored to your situation, to identify the one-degree shifts you can make to change the culture around you.

Finally, through longer-term mentoring and drawing on decades of experience and research, we walk with you as you seek to influence transformation for the long term – whatever your sphere of influence, from a single module to a whole campus.


Meet our in-house expert

Dr Dave Benson (BAppSci.HMS-Ed; MA-Theology; Ph.D-Practical Theology) leads our work on culture and discipleship. In his own words, his mission is ‘to cultivate disciples with wisdom for the way of Christ in a post-Christendom culture,’ and he does it through his initiatives in course design, lecturing, writing, research, mentoring, and support of holistic theological education in the UK.

Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, Dave formerly lectured at in the areas of evangelism, apologetics, worldviews, faith–work integration, youth, and practical theology. Dave established Traverse, the Malyon centre for bridging church and culture, focused on establishing a whole-life culture throughout the college, from curricula to common rooms (watch him share more about this work here).

With his wife, Nikki, he also led the intentional Christian community, Christ’s Pieces, seeking a practices-oriented missional faith.

As a former high school teacher, youth worker, and pastor, Dave is especially interested in whole-life disciplemaking through the intersection of church, work, and transformative education. He is passionate about dialogue where everyone gets a say, and Christian faith finds a healthy public expression in our post-Christendom context, for the flourishing of all.

You can check out Dave’s full academic CV here, and get to know him better with this in-depth interview.

His electronic door is always open – if you want to chat about growing a whole-life culture in your institution, drop him an email at [email protected].


How whole-life is your institution?

Keen to see a whole-life culture taking root in your institution, but not sure where to start? These questions will help you think through what might need to change – and what actions you might take in your own context.

Once you’ve completed it – get in touch! We’d love to chat with you about how we can help you map out the transformation you want to see.

Download Questionnaire



Books and frameworks designed to help you grow missionary disciplemakers in your institution.

Breaking Down the Sacred-Secular Divide in Theological Education

This framework will help you reflect on how you’re doing at keeping the first things first – not just making scholars, but equipping God’s people for mission where they are. Review each aspect of your institutional life and identify where change and growth might be needed.

Transforming Vocation

Written by a team of academics, this book makes the case for putting faith–work integration at the heart of theological education. Using the example of work, it demonstrates how theological colleges, churches, and Christians will all benefit if they work together to equip people for their frontlines.

Whole Life Mission for the Whole Church

Drawn from research with over 30 theological educators across four continents, this book explores the challenge of the sacred-secular divide and strategies for overcoming it today. Discover practical strategies to develop curricula, assessments, and institutions that form leaders who can equip others for their ministry in God’s world.

Breaking Ground: The Church and Cultural Renewal

Discover how our institutions can help make the culture around us more like the kingdom of heaven…

Facebook group

Join our emerging community of practice as we share what's working to break down the sacred-secular divide in our particular educational contexts.

Email list

Register to receive occasional emails about events and resources from LICC designed to help you grow whole-life disciplemakers in your institution.



Insightful pieces to inspire you for your calling growing whole-life disciplemakers.

What do a lecturer, a church leader, and a taxi driver have in common?

According to Dave Benson – more than you might think...

Whole-life disciples: good news for theological colleges (and the nation)

LICC’s Mark Greene shares wisdom from his new book.



We run a whole range of training courses and evening events to help people engage fruitfully with the culture around them. How can we equip you for your daily context?

Formation for Enabling Ministry: A Community of Practice

Called to train church-workers in whole-life disciplemaking? Then join this 4-session online community to process the Formation for Enabling Ministry course.

Be Wise

Grow in wisdom with our 12-week course, designed to help you live in a way that's distinctly and intentionally Christian on a 24/7 basis – becoming a 'peacemaker'.

Evening events

Explore everything from the spirituality of cinema to the ethics of business at our evening events, featuring a host of experts from the worlds of commerce, science, the arts, the church, and beyond.

Courses & training

In-depth training modules designed to equip you for mission in your particular place, among the people you meet on your frontline – becoming a ‘wise peacemaker’ where you are.

Support our work

Would you like to support LICC’s growing ministry by making a monthly or one-off gift? Friends of LICC make donations of £10 a month or more (but do join us with regular gifts at any level). This is a special gift to us because it helps us plan and manage our resources wisely.

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